Just writing to say thanks for a job well done. It certainly made life easier having you load my rubbish! Sorry you had to work in the rain!! Thanks skips on wheels.
Cheers, Ben.
I would like to thank the boys from skips on wheels, they not only turned up on time, they rang 30 minutes before to confirm!
I found their approach to be both professional and polite. They even swept up after the rubbish was removed. Keep up the good work boys!
Kelly of Newtown.
To skips on wheels,
Thanks guys for doing an awesome job! Appreciate your prompt service, will certainly recommend your business to others.
Thanks again
Jane & Brad.
Dear skips on wheels,
Please find enclosed our cheque for $319 for the final day of collection.
We were very pleased with your work and would happily recommend your professional approach to others.
Yours sincerely,